Level 1 Magick Course Outline


  1. Ethics & Hermetic Universal Laws
  2. The Wiccan Rede & The Laws of the Universe
  3. As Above so Below & the Threefold Law
  4. As Within so Without & Personal Transformation
  1. Understanding the Inner World
  2. Faith in your abilities, energy, intention, power
  3. Visualization, meditation, hypnosis & physical exercise
  4. The complete Law of Attraction & The Will
  5. Secrecy & The Social Life of a Magician

     III. Preparation for Clean White Magick

  1. Self-protection & Protection of Magickal Workings
  2. Cleansing, Clearing and Stilling
  3. Grounding & Centering
  4. Atmosphere & Mood
  1. Working with Energy & Power
  2. Sending or Chaneling the Energy
  3. Confining & Casting the Circle
  4. Raising a Cone of Power
  5. Levels of Intensity in Magick
  1. Formulating a Spell
  2. Understanding the Essence of your goal
  3. Core Values & Religious Belief Systems
  4. Words of Power, Poetry, Affirmations & Incantations
  5. Magickal Symbols & Sigils
  6. Actions After the Spell
  1. Basic Herbal Magick
  2. Herbs & their metaphysical properties
  3. Basic uses of Herbs in Magick
  4. The Purpose of Sacred Ceremony

VII. Candle Magick

  1. Ingredients for Candle Magick
  2. Assembling of the Candle
  3. The Power & Candle Magick
  4. Candle Divination

VIII. Crystal Magick

  1. Crystal Properties
  2. Amulets, Talismans & Power Crystals
  3. Crystals for Healing, Amplification & Protection
  4. Crystal Grids in Spells